티스토리 뷰


FrostPunk 공략 #01, 전략 생존 게임 pc 스팀

런던에서 매서운 추위를 피해 이주민을 새로운 정착지에서 생존할수있게 하는 전략 건설 시뮬레이션 게임, 다양한 건물과 시민들에게 법을 지시하고, 점차 안락하고 희망 수치를 올리자

FrostPunk 공략 #01, 전략 생존 게임 pc 스팀

런던에서 매서운 추위를 피해 이주민을 새로운 정착지에서 생존할수있게 하는 전략 건설 시뮬레이션 게임, 다양한 건물과 시민들에게 법을 지시하고, 점차 안락하고 희망 수치를 올리자

GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7980XE CPU @ 2.60GHz
메모리: 16 GB RAM (15.68 GB RAM 사용 가능)
현재 해상도: 2560 x 1440, 60Hz
운영 체제: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Frostpunk is a brand-new title from the creators of This War of Mine. It’s a society survival game that asks what people are capable of when pushed to the brink of extinction. In an entirely frozen world, people develop steam-powered technology to oppose the overwhelming cold. The city’s ruler has to manage both the citizens and the infrastructure they live in. The leader’s tactical skills face challenges that will frequently question morality and the basic foundations of what we consider organized society. Optimization and resource management often clash with empathy and thoughtful decision-making. While city and society management will consume most of the ruler’s time, at some point exploration of the outside world is necessary to understand its history and present state.

What decisions will you make to ensure the survival of your society? What will you do when pushed to the limit? And...

...who will you become in the process?

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