티스토리 뷰


THE SINKING CITY 게임 플레이 진행 PS4, Xbox One, PC 신작 게임 2018

The Sinking City: A Lovecraft-inspired Open Investigation Thriller

공포 스릴러 어드벤쳐 게임

The Sinking City is a third person adventure game, inspired by the works of American horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. It is our biggest and most ambitious project up to date, in terms of gameplay, story and overall experience we are aiming for. We are building The Sinking City on three main pillars – open world, open investigation, Lovecraft – which define how it will play and feel.

You are in a strange land

The game takes place in the fictional city of Oakmont, Massachusetts, set in the famous American Roaring Twenties. It’s a very distinct and often romanticized period of time in the U.S. history: economic growth, rise of consumerism, jazz, prohibition, gangsters and ethnic conflicts. Besides that, Oakmont is a very strange place with its fair share of dark and sinister secrets. The city has been mostly secluded from the mainland since its very foundation in the 17 century. Local inhabitants are really not fond of strangers, and are protective of their rules and traditions.

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